Get insights quickly, with Google Forms

Easily create and share online forms and surveys and analyse responses in real time.

Don't have an account?

Create an online form as easily as creating a document

Select from multiple question types, drag-and-drop to reorder questions and customise values as easily as pasting a list.

Send polished surveys and forms

Customise colours, images and fonts to adjust the look and feel or reflect your organisation’s branding. And add custom logic that shows questions based on answers, for a more seamless experience.

Analyse responses with automatic summaries

See charts with response data update in real time. Or open the raw data with Google Sheets for deeper analysis or automation.

Create and respond to surveys from anywhere

Access, create and edit forms on-the-go, from screens big and small. Others can respond to your survey from wherever they are – from any mobile device, tablet or computer.

Build forms and analyse results together

Add collaborators – just like with Google Docs, Sheets and Slides – to build questions together in real time. Then analyse results together without having to share multiple versions of the file.

Work with clean response data

Use built-in intelligence to set response validation rules. For example, ensure that email addresses are properly formatted or that numbers fall within a specified range.

Share forms via email, link or website

It's easy to share forms with specific people or with a broad audience by embedding forms on your website or sharing the links on social media.

Security, compliance and privacy

Secure by default

We use industry-leading security measures to keep your data safe, including advanced malware protections. Forms is also cloud-native, eliminating the need for local files and minimising risk to your devices.

Encryption in transit and at rest

All files uploaded to Google Drive or created in Forms are encrypted in transit and at rest.

Compliance to support regulatory requirements

Our products, including Forms, regularly undergo independent verification of their security, privacy and compliance controls.

Private by design

Forms adheres to the same robust privacy commitments and data protections as the rest of Google Cloud’s enterprise services.