Frequently Asked Questions

The APS has one type of general user proposal, which is active for two years OR until the number of shifts recommended by the Proposal Review Panel (PRP) has been used.

How can I get beam time quickly (what is a "rapid access" request)?

A "rapid-access beamtime request" against a submitted proposal can be considered for any unallocated general user time during the current run. The rapid-access option is available only at certain times in the proposal cycle. If the option is available, it will show up on the beam time request section of the proposal form. More information is on our key concepts page or in the Beam Time Access System (on the Beamtime Request tab in a proposal, see the link "Rapid Access Description").

If rapid access time is not awarded and you still want time, you do not need to make a new proposal. You do need to make another beam time request on the same proposal at the next proposal deadline.

When can I submit my proposal?

What information do I need to provide?

What is the difference between a proposal and a beam time request (BTR)?

In a proposal you describe your experiment and identfy your experimental team. In a beam time request (BTR), you identify where and when you want beam time.

A proposal can have several beam time requests. The proposal and the first beam time request are created together. For subsequent visits for the same work, you must create a new request within the original proposal. If your proposal is listed as "active" you do not need to create a new proposal; just create a new beam time request.

When beam time is allocated, the Beam Time Access System (in combination with the Beamtime Scheduling System) associates each beam usage with a specific proposal, BTR, and Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF).

How is my proposal reviewed?

The proposal review process is described briefly in the definition of general user proposals and in full detail under the General User information on the User Policies and Procedures page.

When do I find out the results?

About 6 to 7 weeks after the proposal deadline, the proposal spokesperson will receive an email from the APS giving the decision of the Beamtime Allocation Committee (BAC). For rapid access requests, the spokesperson will be contacted by the host beamline if time becomes available. See the GUP calendar for important dates in each proposal cycle.

What if my proposal is not allocated time?

Can I use two beamlines in the same cycle?

If you need to work at more than one beamline in the same, make separate beam time requests on the same proposal. Specify one beamline in one request, and the other(s) in the other request(s). Be sure the body of your proposal describes clearly why you need multiple beamlines and how much time you need on each. Each request will be considered separately for allocation.

To comment on the contents, please contact or 630-252-9090.