Permits & Applications

Find all the information you need to apply for your permits below. Can't find what you're looking for? Visit our related links or contact the department directly for assistance.

Need to pay an invoice?

Pay your building, engineering and planning invoices online by credit card on

Check for unclaimed funds

The City may hold unclaimed funds such as refundable deposits or account adjustments from individuals, businesses or developers. View our unclaimed funds database.

My Permits Portal

Apply for select Engineering, Building and Trade Permits online with the City’s My Permits Portal. The portal allows you to register, apply for your permit, view your permit status and pay online by credit card.

Active Patio Permit

Food and beverage businesses can apply to add outdoor seating or spaces for their customers.

Please visit our Active Patio Program page for more information and instructions on how to apply online.


Annual Electrical Operating Permit

For all existing industrial, commercial and multi-dwelling buildings.

Additional Information


Application for Alternative Solutions

To propose alternative solutions that will achieve the minimum level of performance required by the building code.

Additional Information


Application for Occupant Load/Liquor Licence

For liquor licence approvals.

Additional Information


Application for Property Address Change

For property owners wishing to change the address of their property. Please fill out both the application form and agent authorization form and submit with applicable fee.


Building Permit - Residential

For the construction of all structures including new buildings, additions, interior finishings and building demolitions.

New! You can now apply for your Residential Building Permits online by logging into My Permits Portal.

Additional Information


Building Permit - Revision Request to Issued Building Permits

To request a revision to an issued residential or commercial building permit.

Revisions may be dropped off to the Building Division front counter, 8 am-4 pm, Monday to Friday, or before 7 pm on Thursdays. If you require your revision to be reviewed and processed at the counter, you must contact the Plan Checker directly to determine if possible and set-up an appointment to meet with them.

For residential revisions, please bring the completed application form and a minimum of 2 hard copies of applicable drawings sheets with revisions included (wet stamped and signed if applicable) along with the original site set of building permit drawings.

For commercial revisions, please bring the completed application form and a minimum of 3 hard copies of applicable drawings sheets with revisions included (wet stamped and signed if applicable). The original site set of building permit drawings may be requested by the Plan Checker during the revision review process.


Burning Permit

Outdoor burning is not permitted in Burnaby without a permit. Permission may be granted by the Fire Chief for a one-time special event fire.

Please note: Burning Permit issuance is suspended from May 1-October 1, 2024, in compliance with prevailing fire bans and dry weather conditions. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

Additional information:

Fees: $106.50 (GST Exempt)

Send the completed permit application to [email protected] for processing, or mail directly to the Administration Office (4867 Sperling Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5E 2S9).

Payment can be made in the form of cheque only; any payment drop-off must be scheduled in advance through the Fire Administration Office.